
天物彩板 · 专注定制彩板16年








With the rapid development of social economy in China, especially the rapid growth of high and new technologies such as electronics, biology and medicine in recent two years, clean rooms are widely used in various manufacturing industries. The main structure of the clean room is the color steel sandwich board, which is still a product that can not be replaced by the clean room at this stage. However, the fire protection grade of color steel plate in clean room has attracted more and more attention from relevant government departments and manufacturing industries.
Color steel plate
The roof and wall panels (including sandwich materials) of clean rooms in the new standard GB50073-2001 Code for Design of Clean Workshops should be non-combustible and organic composite materials should not be used. The fire resistance limit of the roof should not be less than 0.4h, the fire resistance limit of the roof of the evacuation corridor should not be less than 1.0h, and the fire resistance limit of the partition wall and its corresponding roof should not be less than 1.0h. With the implementation of the new standards, higher requirements have been put forward for the clean room color steel plate.
Color steel plate
However, from the point of view of domestic clean room construction at this stage, some enterprises still use prohibited organic sandwich materials, such as polystyrene, polyurethane and so on, in order to reduce project investment. From a current point of view, while reducing investment, it increases your risk. Clean room is essentially different from other factory buildings. It is a relatively airtight factory building. If there is a fire accident, the toxic gases of sandwich materials can not be easily eliminated, which directly affects human health. We call for "safety" to be taken into account before you build clean rooms.
