
天物彩板 · 专注定制彩板16年



答:所谓镀锌彩涂联合生产线,是基板上卷后先经镀锌工序,然后再进入彩涂工序其主要特点是   (1)省去了镀锌线出口段原有的钝化和涂油工序;     (2)省去了彩涂线的脱脂清洗工序     (3)省去了从镀锌到彩涂线的运输过程中的人力、物力和时间。     联合生产线通常会在镀锌和彩涂工序之间设有拉弯矫直设备,保证进入彩涂段的版 形质量,使彩涂不会出现漏涂等质量问题。但这种机组布置形式因设备台数多且复杂,增 了故障停车的概率,容易出现产品质量事故。     镀锌彩涂联合生产线又分热镀锌一彩涂联合生产线和电镀锌一彩涂联合 生产线两种,两种联合生产线的彩涂部分的工艺是一样的,只是前端设备的组成即镀锌部 分 有所不同,一个为热镀锌,另一个为电镀锌等两种不同的工艺。据资料介绍,我国已有多条小型的电镀锌——彩涂联合生产线,上规模的热镀锌—彩涂联合生产线目前还没有已经上马的项目!

Answer: The so-called combined production line of galvanizing and colour coating is that the base plate is rolled up, then galvanized, and then enters the colour coating process. Its main features are: (1) the original passivation and oil coating processes at the outlet section of the galvanizing line are omitted; (2) the degreasing and cleaning process of the colour coating line is omitted; (3) the manpower and oil in the transportation process from galvanizing to the colour coating line are omized. Material and time. The joint production line usually has tension-bending straightening equipment between galvanizing and colour painting processes to ensure the quality of the layout entering the colour coating section, so that the colour coating will not appear quality problems such as leakage. However, because of the large number and complexity of equipment, this type of unit layout increases the probability of failure parking and is prone to product quality accidents. The combined production line of galvanizing and colour coating can be divided into two kinds: hot galvanizing and colour coating combined production line and electrogalvanizing and colour coating combined production line. The process of the colour coating part of the two combined production lines is the same, but the composition of the front-end equipment is different, one is hot galvanizing, the other is electrogalvanizing and other two different processes. According to the information, there are many small-scale galvanizing-colour coating combined production lines in China. Up to now, the hot-dip galvanizing-colour coating combined production line has not been launched yet.
