
天物彩板 · 专注定制彩板16年




    其实现在岩棉保温材料在国外建筑外墙上的应用已经比较成熟,使用岩棉作为内墙保温隔声、外墙及屋面保温材料,所占比例在某些国家甚至达到了80%以上。在高度超过22米以上的建筑上更是严禁使用有机可燃保温材料。岩棉:是一种天然环保型防火、绝热型保温材料。它是用天然岩石、高炉矿渣作为主要原料,外加一定数量的辅助材料,经高温熔融喷吹而制成人造纤维,再用其制作成岩棉制品。岩棉的最高使用温度可达650℃,用它制成的板、毡、管壳、粒状棉等,可耐高温,适用于工业高温设备的保温,目前建筑的外墙保温、防火、隔热也在大量使用岩棉。 彩钢板是指彩涂钢板, 彩钢板是一种带有有机涂层的钢板。彩钢板涂层是冷轧钢板、镀锌钢板,进行表面化学处理后涂敷(辊涂)或复合有机薄膜(PVC膜等),再经烘烤固化而制成的产品。涂层种类可分为聚脂、硅改性聚脂,偏聚二氟乙烯和塑料溶胶。彩涂钢板的表面状态可分为涂层板、压花板和印花板,彩涂钢板广泛用于建筑家电和交通运输等行业,对于建筑业主要用于钢结构厂房、机场、库房和冷冻等工业及商业建筑的屋顶墙面和门等,民用建筑采用彩钢板的较少。它与塑钢区别在于材料的构成不同.吸铁石可以吸动。

In the field of architecture, with the development of science and technology, the sandwich color steel plate appeared in the last century has evolved a variety of properties.

At first, color steel plate was used by residents in the United States. At that time, there was no feeling of heat preservation of color steel sandwich plate, only a simple building function, and only a game room for children to play in. However, there were considerable potential safety hazards, such as insufficient firmness and poor chemical stability. However, the color steel plate cast in later stage was found from its firmness and compression resistance. A new generation of single-layer color steel plate is made. Many people use it to build roofs in the mould and rainy season to resist the attack of rainstorm. But in the hot summer, this kind of plate can not reduce the heat source, but will produce heat transfer. In the high temperature weather, the temperature in the house will continue to rise with the sun time, which also leads to a period of low sales of color steel plate. However, in recent years, the scientific development achievements are outstanding, and the continuous research and development and manufacturing, and now there is the thermal insulation color steel sandwich panel, The product is made of two layers of metal panel or other material panel plus foam sandwich layer. The coating of metal panel is already heat insulation coating, with small thermal conductivity, which has a strong restraining effect on the heat transfer effect, and will not produce the phenomenon of high temperature transfer from the outside to the inside of the house. The temperature in the house will be kept in the general comfortable temperature, which is also a lot of houses will use the color steel sandwich board to withstand the summer heat at present. Moreover, this kind of metal plate is very convenient in processing. It can be made into various shapes and patterns according to the requirements. Nowadays, large factories and engineering sites use color steel sandwich plates, rock wool color steel plates and other plates to build temporary mobile houses for migrant workers. In Europe, new environmental protection building materials are also used to build residential houses, among which color steel sandwich plates are used Among them, the current production process is increasingly developed, and the products developed in this environment are more and more environmentally friendly.
In the continuous development of R & D. There are more and more economical and practical building materials, and environmental protection can not only meet the solid demand of building houses efficiently, but also meet the long-term standard of national development. In the process of shaking like this, the evolution process of color steel sandwich board from the original simple board to the current heat insulation and heat preservation is also illustrated.