

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
服务热线: 13931586578


返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.10.05




50.天津彩涂板价格 (13)
由于目前使用的大多数涂料都含有一定量的有机溶剂,上海废金属回收专家表示, 彩涂铝卷在生产过程中不可避免地会产生尾气。这些尾气中含有大量的有机溶剂和二氧化碳气体,会对人体健康和环境造成一定程度的危害。目前,尾气处理一般采用焚烧法。彩涂铝卷具体方法是将生产线产生的尾气引入预热氧化装置进行净化和热处理,产生溶剂热风。产生的溶剂热空气和燃料气被引入焚烧室进行燃烧。燃烧后,含有有机溶剂的尾气转化为水和二氧化碳,产生的热量通过换热装置回收,大大降低了排放到空气中的尾气中有害气体的含量。彩涂铝卷生产线该装置的主要部件为预热氧化装置、焚烧室和换热床。在生产线的早期阶段可能会有大量投资,但从环保和能源的角度来看,这些投资是值得和必要的。
The heating mode of the production line is gas heating, which is widely used at present, mainly using natural gas, gas and other fuels. This method is mainly economical, and the other point is that the tail gas in the production process can be recycled.

Recovery of tail gas
As most of the coatings currently used contain a certain amount of organic solvents, Shanghai scrap metal recycling experts say that tail gas will inevitably be produced in the production process. These tail gases contain a large amount of organic solvents and carbon dioxide gas, which will cause a certain degree of harm to people's health and environment. At present, the tail gas is generally treated by incineration. The specific method is to introduce the tail gas generated by the production line into the preheating oxidation unit for purification and heat treatment, so as to generate solvent hot air. The generated solvent hot air and fuel gas are introduced into the incineration chamber for combustion. After combustion, the tail gas containing organic solvent is transformed into water and carbon dioxide, The generated heat is recycled through the heat exchange device, which greatly reduces the content of harmful gases in the tail gas discharged into the air. The main components of the unit are preheating oxidation unit, incineration chamber and heat exchange bed. There may be a large investment in the early stage of the production line, but from the perspective of environmental protection and energy, these investments are worth and necessary.

