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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.10.11




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The interior of animal husbandry shed (captive building) is a highly corrosive environment. It not only has high humidity, but also uses disinfectants with various corrosive intensities. In addition, bacteria will decompose the feces of cattle, pigs or poultry into amines and acids, among which amines are one of the important reasons for the accelerated corrosion of aluminum zinc coating.

Due to the existence of aluminum in the coating, the generated alumina film has very good acid resistance and can isolate the acidic corrosion atmosphere, but the amines decomposed from feces have very strong corrosion to it.
When the aluminum that plays the role of partition in the coating is gradually consumed, the zinc that plays the role of sacrificial protection is exposed to the corrosive atmosphere and continues to play the sacrificial protection (protect the steel plate by preferentially corroding itself).
As the main component of aluminum zinc coating is aluminum (55% aluminum), zinc is less than 45% (and a small amount of other elements), which means that the proportion of zinc in 90g / m2 aluminum zinc products may be less than 40g / m2.
Single side 40g / m2 zinc plating is usually used in subsequent applications with thicker coating and less severe corrosion conditions, such as automobile (paint film 80 ~ 120) μ m) , household appliances, etc. In the animal husbandry greenhouse, this small amount of zinc is quickly consumed by the corrosive atmosphere. In the follow-up, the substrate is exposed, and soon perforated and rotten edges.

