
天物彩板 · 专注定制彩板16年




(1) 产品名称:镀锌钢卷或镀锌钢板
(2) 规格:JIS g3302-1987 SGCC(1987表示1987版)或ASTM a526-85商业质量(85表1985版)
(3) 涂层表面处理:一般/细锌花或超光滑表面。
(4) 镀锌量:一般按标准镀锌量用镀锌量符号表示。如JIS g3302-1987中的Z18和z27,以及ASTM a525-1987中的G60和G90。
(5) 合金化与否:镀层的形貌也可以从镀锌量符号中得知。例如,Flo表示与Z10(非合金化)相同的镀锌量,但它是合金化的。
(6) 电镀不良:电镀不良的每一个表面上的镀锌量用镀锌量的符号表示。
(7) 化学处理:不处理/铬酸处理/磷酸盐处理/或指纹抗性处理。
(8) 上油:上油分为(稀油/普通油/稠油)/无上油区别。
(9) 尺寸:厚度x宽度x线圈或长度(钢板)
(10) 重量:JIS有两种:理论重量和实际重量。
(11) 单卷(捆)重量限制:每卷或每叠钢板的最小和最大重量限制。
(12) 钢卷的内径和外径:通常必须指定内径。
(13) 包装:卧式或立式钢卷,用铁皮或防锈纸包装,是否加垫枕木等。
(14) 用途及加工方法:请注明。(15) 订货量:一般以公吨(MT)表示。(16) 交货期:注明交货期,厂家研究是否合格。
(17) 标记:一般来说,制造商有一个标准的方法。如果用户有特殊的标识要求,必须事先研究厂家是否能接受。
(18) 装运条件:请注明发货方式和卸货港。
(19) 其他特殊要求:如机械性能、尺寸公差或标志、包装方法等,厂家可研究或与用户协商。

(1) Product Name: galvanized steel coil or galvanized steel plate

(2) Specification: JIS g3302-1987 SGCC (1987 indicates 1987 Revision) or ASTM a526-85 commercial quality (85 table 1985 Revision)
(3) Coating surface finishing: General / fine zinc flower or super smooth surface.
(4) Galvanizing quantity: generally, the galvanizing quantity according to the standard is indicated by the galvanizing quantity symbol. Such as Z18 and z27 in JIS g3302-1987 and G60 and G90 in ASTM a525-1987.
In special cases, it is necessary to distinguish them by the appellation of double-sided or single-sided.
(5) Alloying or not: the morphology of the coating can also be known from the zinc plating amount symbol. For example, Flo means the same zinc plating amount as Z10 (non alloying), but it is alloying.
(6) Equa or poor plating: the amount of galvanizing on each surface of poor plating is indicated by the symbol of galvanizing amount.
(7) Chmical treatment: no treatment / chromic acid treatment / phosphate treatment / or fingerprint resistant treatment.
(8) Oiling: oiling can be divided into (thin oil / common / thick oil) / no oiling difference.
(9) Size: thickness x width x coil or length (steel sheet)
In JIS order thickness refers to the thickness of the original plate (pickling or cold rolling steel plate) before galvanizing.
In ASTM, the thickness after galvanizing is the sum of the original plate thickness and the coating thickness.
Unit of measurement JIS is expressed in mm.
…… ASTM is divided into English and metric specifications, with English system in inches and metric system in mm.
(10) Weight: JIS has two kinds: theoretical weight and actual weight.
There are two kinds of ASTM: theoretical minimum weight (or tmw) and actual weight. The former means that the tolerance of plate thickness at the time of ordering is positive, and the lower limit tolerance is 0. That is to say, the actual plate thickness produced must be larger than that ordered, so the measured weight will be larger than the theoretical weight.
In order to distinguish the theoretical weight from the theoretical minimum weight, when ordering by tmw, it is necessary to indicate "Min" after the plate thickness (such as 0.025 "Min × 48" x coil
(11) Single coil (bundle) weight limit: the minimum and maximum weight limit of each coil or stack of steel sheets.
(12) Inside and outside diameter of steel coil: usually the inside diameter must be specified.
(13) Packaging: horizontal or vertical steel coil, with iron sheet or only anti rust paper packaging, whether to add sleeper pad, etc.
Á slitting steel coil: the maximum single weight of several or each coil cut by one steel coil, horizontal or straight, shall be indicated, but all coils shall be packed with sleepers.
Steel plate (cutting plate): indicate the base plate for loading and unloading of crown block or stacker.
(14) Purpose and processing method: Please specify clearly. (15) Order quantity: generally expressed in metric tons (MT). (16) Delivery date: indicate the delivery date, and the manufacturer shall study whether it is acceptable.
(17) Marking: generally, the manufacturer has a standard way. If the user has special marking requirements, whether the manufacturer can accept it must be studied in advance.
(18) Shipment conditions: please indicate the method of dispatch and the port of discharge.
(19) Other special requirements: such as mechanical properties, dimensional tolerance or marking, packaging methods, etc., manufacturers can study or negotiate with users.