
天物彩板 · 专注定制彩板16年



彩钢卷合金层与纯锌层、钢管基体融为一体。故其耐腐蚀能力强。 这种钢板也是用热浸法制造,但在出槽后,立即把它加热到500℃左右,使其生成锌和铁的合金薄膜。这种镀锌板具有良好的涂料的密着性和焊接性。目前主要采用连续镀锌工艺生产。

近期钢材库存的消化程度将是影响彩钢卷价格走势的关键。  一般工程中使用可分为单板和复合板,复合板又分为岩棉复合板和聚苯复合板。采用单板的一般多为车间或罩棚使用;有些单板安装时还会再附加岩棉,称作“现场复合”。复合板版型墙板以950型居多,顶板970型或960型居多。

The alloy layer of color steel coil is integrated with pure zinc layer and steel pipe matrix. Therefore, it has strong corrosion resistance. This kind of steel plate is also made by hot-dip method, but it is heated to about 500 ℃ immediately after being out of the groove, so as to form alloy film of zinc and iron. This kind of galvanized sheet has good adhesion and weldability of coating. At present, it is mainly produced by continuous galvanizing process.

That is to say, the rolled steel plate is continuously immersed in a zinc melting bath to make a galvanized steel plate. The amount of galvanizing is closely related to the quality and performance of galvanized sheet. If the amount of galvanizing is unreasonable, it will affect the quality of galvanized sheet. Therefore, we must pay attention to the amount of galvanizing in the production of galvanized sheet. There are two main factors that affect the amount of galvanizing.
In the near future, the digestion degree of steel stock will be the key to affect the price trend of color steel coil. General engineering can be divided into single board and composite board, composite board is divided into rock wool composite board and polystyrene composite board. The single board is generally used in workshops or awnings; some single boards will be installed with rock wool, which is called "field composite". The composite plate type wallboard is mostly 950 type, and the roof 970 type or 960 type.
760, 820, 840, 900, 127 or 960 are common for single boards, of which 760 and 820 are fixed by brackets, and other types are fixed by self tapping screws. Nowadays, the materials of color coating roll on the market are cold-rolled base plate, hot-dip galvanized base plate, electro galvanized base plate, aluminum zinc plate, etc. In addition, it is a colorful coated steel strip based on hot-dip galvanized steel strip. In addition to the maintenance of zinc layer, the organic coating on the zinc layer plays a role of covering and maintenance.