

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.03.30



39.天物彩板印花彩板价格 (4)
彩涂板基材磨刷处理通常采用何种方式_北京彩涂板基材_天物彩板 刷辊通常有两种类型,压缩式刷和鬃毛式刷。压缩式电刷是用极细的碳化硅或氧化铝磨料附着在尼龙丝上,再将尼龙丝制成纤维板或软垫的电刷。固化后,将尼龙丝切成一段圆柱套,彩涂板基材安装在辊芯上,制成刷辊。刷毛刷由含有碳化硅磨料的尼龙丝制成。磨料粒径不同,用途也不同,两种刷子各有优缺点。由于压缩式电刷的磨料粒度非常细,且刷辊对被刷板表面的压力相对较低,因此被刷基板表面均匀。其缺点是尼龙丝薄,易撕裂,使用寿命短。猪鬃刷的突出优点是尼龙丝具有良好的耐磨性,因此使用寿命长,大约是压缩刷的几倍。但这种刷不适合处理薄板基板,不仅处理效果不好, 彩涂板基材还会造成基板卷曲。在使用刷辊式刷洗机的过程中,为防止尼龙丝过热、熔化,应在板面上连续喷洒碱液冷却湿润。

The grinding and brushing treatment of the substrate is to remove the dirt through the dual functions of the dissolution of alkali washing solution and the mechanical friction of the brush. The grinding and brushing treatment of color coating production line is designed to be mechanical, and the grinding equipment is also called brushing machine, which is usually composed of rotating brush roller, brush roller storage box, brush roller electric control device and alkali spray pipe circulation systemThe grinding and brushing process is generally set between the primary and secondary degreasing sections. The special brush roller material is used to grind and brush the upper and lower surfaces of the substrate with the same or opposite rotation direction as the running direction of the steel strip. Through the friction generated by the high-speed movement of the brush and the substrate surface, the dirt and rough oxides on the substrate surface are removed, and the substrate surface is smoothThe mask is active.

There are usually two types of brush roller, compression type brush and bristle type brush. Compression type brush is a kind of brush that uses silicon carbide or alumina abrasives with very fine particle size to adhere to nylon wire, and then the nylon wire is made into fiberboard or cushion. After curing, the nylon wire is cut into a section of circular cylinder sleeve and installed on a roller core to make brush roller. The bristle brush is made of nylon wire containing silicon carbide abrasive. Abrasive particle size is different, the purpose is also different, two kinds of brushes have their own advantages and disadvantages. Because the abrasive grain size of compression type brush is very fine, and the pressure of brush roller on the surface of the plate to be brushed is relatively low, the surface of the substrate to be brushed is uniform. Its disadvantage is that the nylon wire is thin, easy to tear, and short service life. The outstanding advantage of bristle brush is that nylon wire has good wear resistance, so it has a long service life, which is about several times as long as compression brush. However, this brush is not suitable for treating thin plate substrate, which not only causes poor treatment effect, but also causes substrate curl. In order to prevent nylon filament from overheating and melting in the process of using brush roller type brush washer, alkali liquid should be continuously sprayed on the plate surface for cooling and wetting.

