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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.06.04


UPS 的汉语意思为“不间断电源”,是英语“Uninterruptable Power Supply"的缩写,它可以保障计算机系统在停电之后继续工作一段时间以使用户能够紧急存盘,避免数据丢失。

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彩涂机组在生产过程中产生大量的实时数据需要计算机和 PLC 系统进行计算和存储,一旦突然停电,很多重要的生产数据就会随之丢失,甚至会引起严重的后果,因此,通常彩涂线都配置UPS。
 UPS 按其工作方式分为离线式(off line)式、在线式(on line)和线上互动式(Line- interactive)三类。下面就是三种 UPS 的工作原理:
(1)离线式 UPS。离线式 UPS 平时处于蓄电池充电状态,在停电时逆变器紧急切换到工作状态,将电池提供的直流电转变为稳定的交流电输出,因此离线式UPS 也被称为后备式 UPS。然而这种 彩涂机组UPS存在一个切换时间问题,因此不适合用在关键性的供电不能中断的场所。但实际上这个切换时间很短,一般介于2~10ms,而计算机本身的交换式电源供应器在断电时应可维持10ms 左右,所以个人计算机系统一般不会因为这个切换时间而出现问题。
(2) 彩涂机组在线式 UPS。在线式 UPS 则一直使其逆变器处于工作状态,它首先通过电路将外部交流电转变为直流电,再通过高质量的逆变器将直流电转换为高质量的正弦波交流电输出给计算机。在线式 UPS 在供电状况下的主要功能是稳压及防止电波干扰;在停电时则使用备用直流电源(蓄电池组)给逆变器供电。由于逆变器一直在工作,因此不存在切换时间问题,适用于对电源有严格要求的场合。

时((3)线上互动式 UPS。这是一种智能化的 UP,可自动测外部输人电压是否处于正常范围之内,如有偏差可由稳压电路升压或降压,提供比较稳定的正弦波输出电压。而且它与计算机之间可以通过数据接口(如 RS:232 串口)进行数据通讯,通过监控软件,用户可直接从电脑屏幕上监控电源及 UPS 状况,简化、方便管理工作,并可提高计算机系统的可靠性。

UPS is an abbreviation for "uninterruptable power supply" in English. It can ensure that the computer system can continue to work for a while after power failure so that users can save the disk urgently and avoid data loss.

The color coating unit needs to calculate and store a lot of real-time data in the production process. Once the power is cut suddenly, many important production data will be lost, even cause serious consequences. Therefore, UPS is usually configured for the color coating line.

UPS can be divided into three types: offline, on-line and line interactive according to its working mode. Here are three operating principles of UPS:

(1) Off line ups. Offline UPS is usually in the battery charging state. When the inverter is in power failure, the inverter switches to the working state urgently, and the DC power provided by the battery is transformed into stable AC output. Therefore, offline UPS is also called backup ups. However, ups of this color coating unit has a switching time problem, so it is not suitable for the key power supply can not be interrupted. But in fact, the switching time is very short, generally between 2 and 10ms, and the switching power supply of the computer itself should be able to maintain about 10ms when the power is off, so the personal computer system will not have problems due to the switching time.

(2) Color coating unit: on line ups. On line UPS has always put its inverter in working state. It first converts external AC into DC through circuit, and then converts DC to high-quality sine wave alternating current to computer through high-quality inverter. The main functions of On-line UPS in power supply are voltage stabilization and preventing interference of radio waves; When the power is cut, the inverter is supplied with standby DC power supply (battery bank). Because the inverter has been working, there is no switching time problem, so it is suitable for the occasions with strict requirements for power supply.

Time (3) Online Interactive UPS. This is an intelligent up, can automatically measure whether the external transmission voltage is within the normal range. If there is any deviation, the voltage can be increased or reduced by the voltage stabilizing circuit, so as to provide a relatively stable sine wave output voltage. Moreover, it can communicate with the computer through data interface (such as rs:232 serial port). Through monitoring software, users can directly monitor the power supply and UPS status from the computer screen, simplify and facilitate management, and improve the reliability of computer system.

