

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
服务热线: 13931586578


返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2019.07.28





广东彩钢板具有重量轻、保温、强度高、色泽鲜艳等特点。经特殊涂层处理的彩钢板的保质期为15年以及20年以上,详细年份需要咨询我们的天物客服。在未来10年内,将喷涂防腐涂层,可移动屋面板的使用寿命可达到35年以上。随着这些理念的进一步发展、环保和应用, 彩钢板作为一种完全兼容的商品原则,必将大放异彩。

Development of Color Steel Plate
The use of color steel plate is for construction, household appliances and transportation, among which the proportion of construction is the largest, followed by household appliances and transportation. In recent years, the state has paid more and more attention to the maintenance of land resources. The result is that there are fewer clay tiles and less roof tiles made of clay. According to the growing demand for domestic construction, it is necessary to choose a high strength, good quality, environmental protection can continue to use, and the demand for color steel plate in Zhuhai has also increased a lot.
Zhuhai color steel plate has light weight, heat insulation, high strength and brilliant color. The shelf life of color steel plate treated with special coating is 15 years. In the next 10 years, anti-corrosive coatings will be sprayed, and the life of movable room plate can reach more than 35 years. With the further development, environmental protection and application of these concepts, Zhuhai color steel plate as a fully compatible principle of commodities, will certainly shine.


