

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2020.12.21


1、 涂料粘度不均匀:

42.彩涂卷板生产厂家 (1)
2、 同批次涂料的混合:
3、 彩色涂层的厚度不同

The main reasons for the color difference of aluminum magnesium manganese roof panels are as follows:

1、 Uneven viscosity of coating:
When the paint is used, due to the different colors of pigment viscosity is not the same, or due to uneven mixing, there will be caking. If the caking can not be removed in time, the pigment block will be squeezed during the coating pressure, resulting in defects or color changes of the aluminum magnesium manganese plate coating. The main reason for this is that the diluent volatilizes too fast during the use of the coating, resulting in adhesion If the coating on the top of the paint barrel is not used in time after the coating is mixed, the viscosity will be reduced due to precipitation.
2、 Mixing of different batches of coatings:
The common reason for color difference is to mix different batches of aluminum magnesium manganese roof panel coatings. Due to different batches of coating production operations, there will be more or less differences, especially when coating processing, the proportion of different batches will be different. Even if the color coating is from the same manufacturer, there will be more or less color difference between different batches of pigments. If two different batches of pigments are mixed, there will be color difference in the finished product coating.
3、 The thickness of color coating layer is different
In our daily life, we all know that if we paint a place repeatedly with a color brush, the color will become darker. Similarly, in the production of aluminum magnesium manganese roof panel, another reason for color difference is that due to the uneven thickness of the coating during coloring, the color of the coating is deepened in the place with thick film thickness, while the color is lighter in the thin film area. The main reason for the uneven thickness of the coating film is that the force on the film fixing roller is uneven when the film is applied.

