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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.03.22



4.天津彩涂板 (2)1
a、 铝单板

To distinguish these metal plates is the same as to distinguish wood board, big core board, multi-layer board, plywood, plywood, plywood, Xianghe board, particleboard, particle board, europine board, Aosong board It's just as difficult.

What should we do at this time? Don't worry. Let's establish an overall understanding of aluminum plate. In terms of classification logic, the aluminum plates used in architectural decoration industry are mainly divided into two types: "aluminum single plate" and "composite plate".
a. Aluminum veneer
Aluminum veneer is a kind of new building decoration material, which uses aluminum alloy plate as the base material, after chromizing and other treatment, and then through CNC bending and other technology forming, using fluorocarbon or powder spraying technology. We often say that wood grain transfer aluminum plate, punching aluminum plate, imitation stone aluminum plate, mirror aluminum plate and so on belong to this kind of aluminum plate.
Aluminum composite plate is a general term, mainly refers to the coating of aluminum plate (aluminum veneer) after chemical treatment as the surface material through various complex processing means, composite on the suitable base material, and finally form aluminum composite plate. According to the different composite base materials, aluminum composite plate has different material properties.
For example: the common aluminum-plastic plate is the composite plate of plastic and aluminum veneer, which not only retains the characteristics of plastic materials, but also overcomes the shortcomings of plastic materials through metal materials.
Another common aluminum composite plate is honeycomb aluminum plate: it is a composite material composed of honeycomb metal and aluminum veneer. In addition to retaining the veneer performance characteristics of aluminum veneer, the honeycomb metal structure base greatly makes up for the shortcomings of aluminum veneer easy to bend. In more and more large space occasions, in order to ensure the flatness of the veneer material, this material will be used.

