

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.07.01




In recent yars, with the shortage of electric energy and the improvement of environmental awareness, the reuse of aluminum alloy metal composites is the key development trend. Therefore, the alloy aluminum plate is applied, so, why do modern ship materials choose alloy aluminum plate?

The density of alloy aluminum plate is lower. So also the same weight of aluminum alloy, steel is thinner and thicker in an empty square by two-thirds. Therefore, the quality of alloy aluminum plate produced by most of our enterprises will be lighter, which is more reasonable.
After the application of alloy aluminum plate, one can purchase the enterprise for reuse. Energy consumption is low, with 5% of primary aluminum production and 24% 8.53.5% of one-time recycling consumption of smelting system, and high utilization rate. Many people may continue to use purchasing to prevent the consumption of resources and environment from polluting the natural environment. Considering everyone's stipulation that aluminum alloy metal structure composite building materials can be recycled, it has a high energy-saving. Today, aluminum alloys are used in many large and small passenger ships, cruise ships, speedboats, high-speed missile boats, patrol boats, a destroyer (as part of the human nature of Ship Development) and other ships.

