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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2020.08.27




2. 轻烧镁砂比含水量对镁混凝土的危害

Many people may not be clear, glass magnesium plate will suffer from many raw material elements of the damage, light fired magnesium oxide specific water content refers to the light fired magnesium oxide in the active magnesium oxide water content, namely reasonable magnesium oxide water content. This is active magnesium oxide accounts for a share in the reflection of light burning magnesium oxide, magnesium oxide specificity means that the quality of light burned magnesia, moisture content is to choose light burning magnesium oxide and magnesium, the concrete design scheme of key starting late main parameters, no specific moisture content of magnesium oxide, magnesium, the mole ratio of concrete will not be able to design, can't normal seasoning in manufacturing.

The damage of magnesium oxide to glass magnesium plate is so great
1, the difference of the magnesium and active magnesium oxide in the manufacture of at ordinary times many operators often confuse the magnesium and active magnesium oxide, as a definition, same mistake according to the whole magnesium as a condiment, and not according to the active magnesium oxide as a condiment, this is a lot of arts and crafts of modified material failure, one of the problems more, cases: The sales market of 85% magnesium oxide, active magnesium oxide water content is 65%, the expression of light burned magnesium oxide water content is 85% magnesium oxide is 85%, light burned magnesium oxide specific water content is 65%, reasonable magnesium oxide is 65%, the preparation should be based on 65% reasonable magnesium oxide.
2. Harm of specific water content of light fired magnesia to magnesium concrete
The water content of light burned magnesia is 80%~85% and the water content of active magnesia is 60%~70%. If exceed this one category, cause harm to handicraft, very when water content of magnesia is lower, harm is bigger.

